Our website has MOVED to www.stcroixvalleygifted.net effective March 3, 2012. We encourage you to visit the new website for the latest chapter events and news updates from St Croix Valley Gifted.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Welcome, Visitors and New SCVMCGT Chapter Members!


Thank you to everyone who attended our first official chapter meeting at Stillwater Public Library, Gifted 101 on Tues., Jan. 31. We were thrilled with the enthusiastic turnout.  Now that you're here, we invite you to explore our site, download our FAQ and brochure, as well as discover some of the other resources and event news we've made available.

Considering a new MCGT membership?  No need to delay -- you can register online via the main MCGT website and designate the St Croix Valley chapter as your new member affiliation.  Membership benefits information is found at the MCGT website, with further details about the St. Croix Valley chapter in our brochure.  Download the brochure using the link at right.

Interested in our new SCVMCGT email group?  We will be setting the new email group live during the first two weeks of February.  If you joined MCGT during the meeting, recently renewed your membership, or have contacted the MCGT office to transfer your chapter affiliation to SCVMCGT, we are in the process of confirming those details with the main office.  The email group serves as an online discussion forum where members can expand on ideas, ask lingering questions from chapter meetings, or seek input on guiding and advocating for the gifted child(ren) in your life.  It's also where we will share relevant local events, resources, and topics of interest.  Group access is a members-only benefit -- we hope you'll join us soon!

Need to complete our meeting survey?  We are collecting your ideas for future SCVMCGT meeting topics and family activities.  If you did not complete and return a survey before the meeting ended, please  bring it to the March 27 meeting.  Don't have one? Download a new copy (.docx requires MS Word), complete it via computer, and return the survey via email.  A .pdf version also is available for print-only, which you may return in person.

Know others who would be interested in MCGT?  Curious about our next SCVMCGT chapter meeting?  You'll find details about our March Meeting in the previous blog post -- just look below for the next topic.  Download the meeting flyer, send it with a link to our website to friends or colleagues, or share via your favorite social networking site.  You may also be interested in reading our introduction letter to parents.