Our website has MOVED to www.stcroixvalleygifted.net effective March 3, 2012. We encourage you to visit the new website for the latest chapter events and news updates from St Croix Valley Gifted.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

March Meeting 3/27 | Tested: Helping Parents Make Sense of the Scores

The St. Croix Valley Chapter of MCGT meets bi-monthly, which means our next event is approaching in March 2012.

Topic | Tested: Helping Parents Make Sense of the Scores
When | Tues. 3/27, 6:30 - 8:30pm
Where | Social Hall, St. Croix Catholic School / St. Michael's in Stillwater
Cost | FREE for MCGT members, $5* per non-member family  

Statewide and national standardized testing sets eligibility for gifted programs, 
grade acceleration, and more.  What do the data really show and
how do you use it to guide decisions about your child’s education?  SCVMCGT welcomes Wendi M. Schirvar, Ph.D., Educational Psychologist, who will lead conversation about the ins and outs of standardized testing and how to decipher what the results mean.

Who | Parents, caregivers, educators
Kids | School-age kids welcome! Hands-on activities with Visiting Wizards - kids will meet in adjacent space

*The full amount may be applied toward new MCGT member registration at the meeting; cash or check payable to MCGT, in support of local chapter operations.

Please feel welcome to contact us with questions about the chapter, membership, or to alert us about community events that may be of interest to members.  We also encourage you to visit our online FAQ and download our chapter brochure as quick sources of information about SCVMCGT.